Working For Your Purpose
Sometimes we wonder... Why me? Wanting a signal, a sign, some security. Different circumstances. We often look at the next person in awe, attempting to figure out how they got it so good Little do we know, they've been through the rain and the fire. they have had more setbacks and failed attempts then we realize. All we know is we like how it appears now. Failing to recognize it took hard work. Consistency, determination, motivation, and support. Also, it took BELIEVING in themselves, their dream. Okay, maybe they were privileged, had a silver spoon, or just new the right people. That's fine, It just might not be the plan for you. That doesn't mean it can't happen for you. We encounter the problem once we start to compare ourselves to them. You can't make comparisons with someone who was dealt a different hand than you. Like comparing yourself to a pro athlete when you just started training 2 months ago. Be Fair, Be Realistic. Things take time, just...