11:54 PM

Summer days penetrated by rolling rain, but the sun still shines outside.
& the birds sing their melodies as I hear cars passing by.
Another day God has blessed me with. An opportunity to do his business.
Such wonders of the creator like a magician but only greater.
Powerful so amazing unlike anything humanity able.
As the day goes on I think of how effortless it was for thee.
For he is the alpha and omega the end and the beginning.
Blackness takes over as I see rainbow fireflies emerging the sky.
Followed with a boom and a unique set of  designs.
I watch in amusement as I start to get inspiration.
Consumed in the beauty I began to dream with my eyes open.
Drops of water fall on my brown skin. Cool like ice consistent like the wind.
A sense of peace overfills my temple. Temperature decides to drop my temple starts to shiver.
More water flows increasing in speed. Decide to go in before it comes after me.
Greeted with a smiling face, the best part of the entire day has been now made.
Realizing its the simplicity of things that has become my fav.
Too often we take affection for granted. However longing for it once we no longer have it.
Blessed and highly favored I consider myself to be.
Reevaluating where I came from that girl who was once empty.
No where close to her, now I am a women of many things.
One being born again God has reveled that his love runneth deep.
Thump Thump Thump my pulse accelerates. This feeling inside just wont go away.
Not that I want it to id like for it to have a permanent stay.
Whats understood doesn't have to be explained.


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